Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Poor Tyler can't win...his legs are killing him and he has been crying with them hurting him for a week. I took him the pediatrician first and they did an x-ray of only the right leg showing he had inflammation in the knee. Told me to give him Motrin and it would get better. When he was still complaining this weekend I knew it was hurting him.

He already had an appointment scheduled with Shriner's today since he goes once a year to get his legs looked at due to over inward rotation and low muscle tone. So today was no exception...they did an x-ray of his hips since that's where he screamed when they were messing with his legs. Sure enough they did the x-ray and they saw bad blood circulation in the ball in his hip joint and a muscle strain in the same leg. So now we get to do some stretches and try to get him to take it easy. Have you ever tried to calm a jack rabbit?? Near to impossible!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Can we handle it??

So much is going on right now...

We are having to adjust to Troy being gone and out of the house and really don't know how to go about doing it. Tyler is stressing himself out so bad that he is getting physically sick and Cameron is acting out. I thought that we were going to try and work things out but Troy had different plans. I just have to be there for my boys and we will get through this!! Please pray for our family. :)